This number indicates which cashier checked out your items. These two taxes were for general merchandise and beer products. This code indicates that there were two taxes on an item. These two taxes were for general merchandise and wine products. The two taxes are those for general merchandise and prepared foods. This code indicates that the only tax on the item is the tax on food products. This code indicates that the only tax on the item is the general merchandise tax.
This code indicates that a sale item that was purchased is nontaxable. This code indicates that an item that was purchased is taxable. This code indicates that an item that was purchased is nontaxable. Here is a table listing these codes and their meanings in greater detail. Meanwhile, the codes ST#, OP#, TE#, and TR# refer to important information about the transaction. The letter codes N, X, O, A, B, P, R, and S all refer to the tax information on the items purchased. On your Walmart receipt, you will likely come across some letter codes.